General Information
School hours are 8:15-2:45 with dismissal beginning at 2:42.
Children are let into the classroom at 8:00, if they arrive before that time, they must go to the cafeteria.
Please make sure your child is in the classroom by 8:15 or they will be considered tardy.
For the first 3 days of school ONLY, parents are allowed to drop their child off at the classroom door. Otherwise, please let students out at the car rider ramp for the rest of the year.
Students can ONLY be picked up at the car rider ramp, the front of the school (for the walkers), or ride the bus home.
Parents are not allowed to pick up their child at the classroom door.
Students will be given grades A through F on their report card. Grades can be viewed online at any time using the FOCUS tool/app available through the county website and/or your child's Classlink. Any recorded grade will have a letter and/or numerical grade on them. These grades will count towards their report card.
Practice Resources
Practice resources provided throughout the year, teaches responsibility and reinforces skills taught, however, they are NOT expected to be returned to school. We trust you will use them to help your student practice for assessments given in the class. Any work not completed in class due to an absence, not working in a timely manner or playing around will be sent home with a note to complete and return.
Please note that daily practice should include weekly spelling rules/words, previous unit reading text and calendar (sent home at the end of each unit), 30 minutes of reading, and math packet.
A phonics/spelling test is given every Friday. Unit Reading, Grammar, and Writing assessments are given every 3 weeks. Practice tests for these areas (to prep for the unit assessments) are given the other two weeks. Other tests to include Math, Science, and Social Studies are given upon completion of content material.
Unit spelling lists will be sent home and also available on the classroom webpages.
Your child will be given the STAR reading and math diagnostic 3 times during the school year (beginning, middle, & end) which will help measure academic growth.
A.R. (Accelerated Reader)
A.R. is part of the 1st grade reading program.
It is strictly a motivational program that is NOT part of your child’s reading grade.
It involves students checking out library books on their reading level and taking a computer-based quiz. For each test with a passing score, he/she will receive points. These points go toward A.R. rewards for reaching certain goals.
You will receive a letter with an A.R. Folder when your child is ready to start the program. Each child will start upon teacher's discretion of when they are ready.
Your child will have a PURPLE (Anderson) or RED (Wright) communication folder that they are to bring to and from school every day.
One side of the folder is Return to School and the other side is Keep at Home.
Please check your child’s folder DAILY and return the information that is needed.
Our main means of communication with you is through email so it is imperative that you are receiving notifications of our contact.
A written note or an email must be sent to the teacher or front office if you are changing your child’s transportation method for the day.
Please include the date, transportation change, teacher and student’s name, and your signature. CHANGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OVER THE PHONE.
School/Class Rules
Students should Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe at all times.
If a child is off-task or misbehaving their behavior grade on their report card will be affected. 1=Satisfactory, 2=Needs Improving, 3=Unsatisfactory.
We will be using a conscious discipline plan where students will be held accountable for their actions after being explicitly taught the classroom expectations. Therefore, we will contact you about behavior ONLY if a solution cannot be found after redirection/discussion. This means that no news about daily behavior is good news!
Initial conferences for students with an academic and/or behavior concern, will be scheduled immediately following the end of Quarter 1 to discuss student's individual performance data and answer any questions. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
Following the first meeting, conferences will be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
A requested parent/teacher conference MUST be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. It is difficult to discuss important issues as the students are coming in to start the day as well as when they are leaving for the day.
All parents must sign in and receive a visitor’s pass in the front office before coming on to campus for any reason.
Lunch menus are provided on-line and can be found on the classroom website. It is helpful if the student’s account is paid online, however all lunch money should be placed in an envelope with your child’s name and lunch number on it. Make checks payable to Eglin Elementary School, designating the child’s name and number on the check.
Unlike previous years, the school will not be providing free meals for the students. Parents must complete the free or reduced meal form located on the district website to be considered for the program.
If you choose to eat lunch with your child, please tell him/her goodbye at the cafeteria to ensure there are no disruptions to the learning environment for all students.
We will be glad to celebrate each child’s birthday as it occurs in school. If you would like to send in a simple, store bought treat for your child’s birthday, please bring it during their lunch time. They must be eaten in the cafeteria.
Birthday invitations brought to school to hand out in the classroom MUST include all classmates otherwise, please find another way to distribute them. This ensures no feelings are hurt and no one feels left out.
First graders are working on being independant and function better if they come into the classroom unattended. If your child is a car rider/walker, please say goodbye to them when you drop them off.
Parents, check out this short video on teaching kiddos to tie their shoes! Hopefully this will have our firsties tying their shoes in no time!
This will cut down on nurse visits and/or requesting you to bring a clothes change in case of a bathroom accident.